Feature branch workflows

The basic idea behind feature branch workflows is that the development of individual features should take place in a dedicated branch and not in the main branch. This encapsulation facilitates the work in a development team, as changes in the main branch do not disturb and can initially be neglected. Conversely, this should prevent the main branch from being contaminated by unfinished code. This second argument then also facilitates continuous integration with other components.

See also

Merge or pull requests

Encapsulating the development of individual features in a branch also allows you to use merge or pull requests to discuss changes with others in the team and give them the opportunity to approve a feature before it is integrated into the official project. However, if you encounter problems in your feature development, you can also use merge or pull requests to discuss possible solutions with others in the team.

Merge or pull requests are provided by web-based services such as GitHub, GitLab and Atlassian for reviewing and commenting on changes. You can also use @ID in your comments to ask specific people on the project team directly for feedback. If you use automated testing, you can also see the test results here; perhaps the coding style does not correspond to your project guidelines, or the test coverage is insufficient. In the merge or pull requests, such discussions are encouraged and documented without appearing directly as commits in the repository.


Merge or pull requests are not part of Git itself, but of the respective web-based service. They are also not standardised, so that they can only be transferred with difficulty when switching to another service.

GitHub Flow

GitHub Flow was intended to be a greatly simplified alternative to Git Flow, with only different feature branches in addition to the main branch. The lifecycle of a Git feature branch could then look like this:

  1. All feature branches start on the basis of the current main branch.

    To do this, we first switch to the main branch, get the latest changes from the server and update our local copy of the repository:

    $ git switch main
    $ git fetch origin
    $ git reset --hard origin/main
  2. Creating the feature branch.

    We create a feature branch with git switch -c and the number of the ticket in the task management that describes this feature.

    $ git switch -c 17-some-feature
  3. Add and commit changes.

    $ git add SOMEFILE
    $ git commit
  4. Push the feature branch with the changes.

    By pushing the feature branch with your changes, you not only create a backup copy of your changes, but you also allow others in the team to view the changes.

    $ git push -u origin 17-some-feature

    The -u parameter adds the 17-some-feature branch to the upstream Git server (origin) as a remote branch. In the future, you can push into this branch without having to specify any further parameters.

  5. Make a merge or pull request

    Once you have completed a feature, it is not immediately merged into the main branch, but a merge or pull request is created, giving others in the development team the opportunity to review your changes. Any changes to this branch will now also be reflected in this merge or pull request.

  6. Merge

    Once your merge or pull request is accepted, you must first ensure that your local main branch is synchronised with the upstream main branch; only then can you merge the feature branch into the main branch and finally push the updated main branch back into the upstream main branch. However, this will not infrequently lead to a merge commit. Nevertheless, this workflow has the advantage that a clear distinction can be made between feature development and merging.

Simple Git workflow

Atlassian also recommends a similar strategy, but they recommend rebasing the feature branches. This gives you a linear progression by moving the changes in the feature branch to the top of the main branch before merging with a fast-forward merge.

  1. Use rebase to keep your feature branch up to date with main:

    $ git fetch origin
    $ git rebase -i origin/main

    In the rare case that others from the team are also working in the same feature branch, you should also adopt their changes:

    $ git rebase -i origin/17-some-feature

    Resolves any conflicts arising from rebase at this stage. This should have resulted in a number of clean merges by the end of feature development. It also keeps the history of your feature branches clean and focused, without distracting noise.

  2. When you are ready for feedback, push your branch:

    $ git push -u origin 17-some-feature

    You can then make a merge or pull request.

    After this push, you can always update the remote branch in response to feedback.

  3. After the review is complete, you should do a final clean-up of the feature branch’s commit history to remove unnecessary commits that do not provide relevant information.

  4. When development is complete, merge the two branches with -no-ff. This will preserve the context of the work and make it easy to revert the entire feature if needed:

    $ git switch main
    $ git pull origin main
    $ git merge --no-ff 17-some-feature

The simple-git-workflow using rebase creates a strictly linear version history. In this linear history it is easier to understand changes over time and to find bugs with bisect.


The main advantages of feature branches workflows are as follows

  • Features are isolated in individual branches so that each team member can work independently.

  • At the same time, team collaboration is enabled via merge or pull requests.

  • The code inventory to be managed remains relatively small because the feature branches can usually be quickly transferred to the main.

  • The workflows correspond to the usual methods of continuous integration.

However, they cannot answer how deployments to different environments or splitting into different releases should be done. Possible answers to this are described in Deployment and release branches.

See also

Both variations of feature branches are simpler alternatives of the considerably more complex Git Flow.