Code-Smells and design principles

Code smells are coding patterns that indicate that something is wrong with the design of a programme. For example, the overuse of isinstance checks against concrete classes is a code smell, as it makes the programme more difficult to extend to deal with new types in the future.

Recognising code smells

One way to better recognise code smells is to describe the characteristics of code. Make a note of the things you recognise; add any patterns you see, like or don’t understand. The following questions may prompt you to think further:

  • Are there methods that have the same form?

  • Are there methods that have an argument with the same name?

  • Do arguments with the same name always mean the same thing?

  • If you want to add a private method to a class, where would it go?

  • If you were to split the class into two parts, where would the dividing line be?

  • Do the tests in the conditions have anything in common?

  • How many branches do the conditions have?

  • Do the methods contain any code other than the condition?

  • Does each method depend more on the argument passed or on the class as a whole?

Typical code smells in Python

Functions that should be objects

In addition to object-oriented programming, Python also supports procedural programming using functions and inheritable classes. Both paradigms should, however, be applied to the appropriate problems.

Typical symptoms of functional code that should be converted to classes are

  • similar arguments across functions

  • high number of distinct Halstead operands

  • mix of mutable and immutable functions

For example, three functions with ambiguous usage can be reorganised so, that load_image() is replaced by .__init__(), crop() becomes a class method, and get_thumbnail() a property:

class Image(object):
    thumbnail_resolution = 128

    def __init__(self, path):

    def crop(self, width, height):

    def thumbnail(self):
        return thumb

Objects that should be functions

Sometimes, however, object-oriented code should also be better broken down into functions, for example if a class contains only one other method apart from .__init__() or only static methods.


You do not have to search for such classes manually, but there is a pylint rule for it:

$ uv run pylint --disable=all --enable=R0903 requests
************* Module requests.auth
requests/ R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
requests/ R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
************* Module requests.models
requests/ R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)

Your code has been rated at 9.99/10

This shows us that two classes with only one public method have been defined in, in lines 72ff. and 100ff. Also in there is a class with only one public method from line 60.

Nested code

«Flat is better than nested.»

– Tim Peters, Zen of Python

Nested code makes it difficult to read and understand. You need to understand and remember the conditions as you go through the nestings. Objectively, the cyclomatic complexity increases as the number of code branches increases.

You can reduce nested methods with multiple nested if statements by replacing levels with methods that return False if necessary. Then you can use .count() to check if the number of errors is > 0.

Another possibility is to use list comprehensions. This way the code

results = []
for item in iterable:
    if item == match:

can be replaced by

results = [item for item in iterable if item == match]


The itertools of the Python standard library are often also good for reducing the nesting depth by creating functions to create iterators from data structures.


You can also filter with itertools, for example with filterfalse:

>>> from itertools import filterfalse
>>> from math import isnan
>>> from statistics import median
>>> data = [20.7, float('NaN'),19.2, 18.3, float('NaN'), 14.4]
>>> sorted(data)
[20.7, nan, 14.4, 18.3, 19.2, nan]
>>> median(data)
>>> sum(map(isnan, data))
>>> clean = list(filterfalse(isnan, data))
>>> clean
[20.7, 19.2, 18.3, 14.4]
>>> sorted(clean)
[14.4, 18.3, 19.2, 20.7]
>>> median(clean)

Query tools for complex dicts

JMESPath, glom, asq and flupy can significantly simplify the query of dicts in Python.

Reduce code with dataclasses and attrs


are intended to simplify the definition of classes that are mainly created to store values and can then be accessed via attribute search. Some examples are collections.namedtuple(), typing.NamedTuple, recipes for records and nested dicts. Data classes save you from having to write and manage these methods.

See also


is a Python package that has been around much longer than dataclasses, is more comprehensive and can also be used with older versions of Python.

See also