Shell configuration and command line tools

In this chapter I would like to introduce you to two powerful shell extensions:

Starship is a fast tool that you can use with any shell.

Pipes (|)

Git never uses less if you redirect the output to another programme, for example

$ git log --oneline | grep Jupyter

However, you can pass the output back to less:

$ git log --oneline | grep Jupyter | less


delta is a smart diff display, see for example:

Schicke Diff-Anzeige mit delta


The .deb files can be found on the Release page.

$ brew install git-delta
> choco install delta


An example configuration can be found in Git config file:

    pager = delta

    diffFilter = delta --color-only

    navigate = true  # use n and N to move between diff sections

    conflictstyle = zdiff3

However, delta not only extends the display of git diff, but also that of git add --patch, git log --patch, git blame, git rebase merge conflicts and git show. In addition, delta can also display side-by-side diffs, for example:

Side-by-Side-Diffs mit delta

You can also configure this globally with:

$ git config --global delta.side-by-side true



You can install ripgrep with a binary .deb file, which is included in every ripgrep release.

$ curl -LO
$ sudo dpkg -i ripgrep_14.1.0-1_amd64.deb
$ brew install ripgrep
> choco install ripgrep



The package is called ripgrep, but the command is rg.


searches for regexes, whereby you should often use inverted commas to prevent the shell from interpreting special characters.


restricts the search to certain files by naming them according to the pattern.

$ rg -g|--glob PATTERN

filters files according to so-called globbing patterns.


searches for files with certain file extensions.

With rg --type-list you get all possible file extensions.

$ rg -i|--ignore-case PATTERN

ignores upper and lower case.

$ rg --hyperlink-format EDITOR PATTERN

creates file paths as terminal hyperlinks that can be opened by holding down the Strg or key. Possible editors can be obtained with man rg.

$ rg --no-ignore PATTERN, $ rg -.|--hidden -.PATTERN, $ rg --binary PATTERN or $ rg -u |--unrestricted PATTERN

also displays results in files that are usually filtered out by .gitignore statements, by . hidden files or binary files.


$ rg -.|--hidden -.PATTERN also displays results in the .git directory. To exclude this directory from the search, you can exclude this directory with the -g|--glob option and a !, for example rg -. -g '!.git' PATTERN.


You can create a configuration file for ripgrep in ~/.config/ripgreprc, for example:


You can then define the RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable with

$ export RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=~/.config/ripgreprc