.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Veit Schiele .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause File systems ============ High-level APIs --------------- `PyFilesystem `_ works with files and directories in archives, in storages, in the cloud, :abbr:`etc (et cetera)`. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/pyfilesystem/pyfilesystem2 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/pyfilesystem/pyfilesystem2 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/pyfilesystem/pyfilesystem2 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/pyfilesystem/pyfilesystem2 Integrated file systems: * `AppFS `_ for predefined storage locations in operating systems where applications can store data * `FTPFS `_ for working with FTP servers * `MemoryFS `_ for caches, temporary data storage, unit tests, :abbr:`etc. (et cetera)` that exist in the working memory * `MountFS `_ for a virtual file system that can mount other file systems * `MultiFS `_ for a virtual file system that combines other file systems * `OSFS `_ for the OS file system * `TarFS `_ reads and writes compressed tar archives * `TempFS `_ contains temporary data * `ZipFS `_ reads and writes Zip files File systems of the PyFilesystem organization on GitHub: * `DropBoxFS `_ * `S3FS `_ * `WebDavFS `_ File systems from third-party developers: * `fs_basespace `_ for read access to the Illumina Basespace * `fs.dropboxfs `_ for Dropbox * `fs.imapfs `_ for Imap * `fs.googledrivefs `_ for Google Drive * `fs.onedrivefs `_ for OneDrive * `fs.smbfs `_ for Samba * `fs.sshfs `_ for SSH with :ref:`paramiko` * `mp-fs-wsgidav `_ for WsgiDAV .. _fsspec: `fsspec `__ Unified Python interface for many local, remote and embedded file systems and byte storages. If you already use :doc:`/workspace/pandas/index`, :doc:`/data-processing/intake/index`, :doc:`/performance/dask` or :doc:`DVC ` in your project, for example, ``fsspec`` is already available. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/fsspec/filesystem_spec .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/fsspec/filesystem_spec .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/fsspec/filesystem_spec .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/fsspec/filesystem_spec In addition to the `integrated implementations `_, there are also many extensions, for example: * `abfs `_ for the Azure Blob Service * `adl `_ for the Azure DataLake storage * `alluxiofs `_ for the Alluxio distributed cache * `boxfs `_ for access to Box file storage * `dropbox `_ for access to Dropbox shares * `dvc `_ for accessing a DVC repository as a file system * `gcsfs `_ for Google Cloud Storage * `gdrive `_ for access to Google Drive and shares * `huggingface_hub `_ for access to the Hugging Face Hub file system * `lakefs `_ for lakeFS datalakes * `ocifs `_ for access to the Oracle Cloud Object Storage * `ossfs `_ for the Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) object storage system (OSS) * `p9fs `_ for :abbr:`9P (Plan 9 Filesystem Protocol)` servers * `s3fs `__ for Amazon S3 and other compatible storage * `wandbfs `_ for accessing Wandb data * `webdav4 `_ for WebDAV .. seealso:: `Rclone `_ is a command line programme for managing files on cloud storage. It supports more than 70 cloud storages. You can find an example of its use with Python in `rclone.py `_. Specialised libraries --------------------- `PyArrow `_ Apache Arrow Python bindings for the `Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) `_ and other :ref:`fsspec`-compatible file systems. .. seealso:: `Using fsspec-compatible filesystems with Arrow `_ .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/apache/arrow .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/apache/arrow .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/apache/arrow .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/apache/arrow .. _paramiko: `paramiko `__ Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, which offers both client and server functions. It forms the basis for the high-level SSH library `Fabric `_. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/paramiko/paramiko .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/paramiko/paramiko .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/paramiko/paramiko .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/paramiko/paramiko `boto3 `_ AWS SDK for Python facilitates integration with Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB and others. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/boto/boto3 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/boto/boto3 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/boto/boto3 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/boto/boto3 `azure-storage-blob `_ Azure Storage Blobs client library for Python. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python `oss2 `_ Python SDK for the Alibaba Cloud Object Storage. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/aliyun/aliyun-oss-python-sdk .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/aliyun/aliyun-oss-python-sdk .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/aliyun/aliyun-oss-python-sdk .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/aliyun/aliyun-oss-python-sdk `minio `_ MinIO Python Client SDK for Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/minio/minio-py .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/minio/minio-py .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/minio/minio-py .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/minio/minio-py `PyDrive2 `_ Python wrapper library of the `google-api-python-client `_, which simplifies many common Google Drive API tasks. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/iterative/PyDrive2 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/iterative/PyDrive2 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/iterative/PyDrive2 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/iterative/PyDrive2 `Qcloud COSv5 SDK `_ Python SDK for the Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS). .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/tencentyun/cos-python-sdk-v5 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/tencentyun/cos-python-sdk-v5 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/tencentyun/cos-python-sdk-v5 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/tencentyun/cos-python-sdk-v5 `linode_api4 `_ Python bindings for the Linode API v4. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/linode/linode_api4-python .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/linode/linode_api4-python .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/linode/linode_api4-python .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/linode/linode_api4-python `airfs `_ brings standard Python I/O to various storages (such as Alibaba Cloud OSS, Amazon Web Services S3, GitHub, Microsoft Azure Blobs Storage and Files Storage, OpenStack Swift/Object Store. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/JGoutin/airfs .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/JGoutin/airfs .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/JGoutin/airfs .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/JGoutin/airfs `yandex-s3 `_ Asyncio-compatible SDK for Yandex Object Storage. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/mrslow/yandex-s3 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/mrslow/yandex-s3 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/mrslow/yandex-s3 .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/mrslow/yandex-s3 Dormant projects ---------------- `PyDrive `_ Python wrapper library of the `google-api-python-client `__, which simplifies many common Google Drive API tasks. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/googlearchive/PyDrive .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/googlearchive/PyDrive .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/googlearchive/PyDrive .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/googlearchive/PyDrive `digital-ocean-spaces `_ Python client for Digital Ocean Spaces with an inbuilt shell. .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/stars/ChariotDev/digital-ocean-spaces .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/contributors/ChariotDev/digital-ocean-spaces .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/ChariotDev/digital-ocean-spaces .. image:: https://raster.shields.io/github/license/ChariotDev/digital-ocean-spaces